Munsell Colour
Munsell Bead Color Book M50415B [2019 Edition]
Munsell Bead Color Book M50415B [2019 Edition]Munsell Bead Color Book M50415B [2019 Edition]
Munsell Bead Color Book M50415B [2019 Edition]Munsell Bead Color Book M50415B [2019 Edition]
The color of a bead can be used to tell a story about the bead itself. Just like beads have special characteristics so do the colors used on and within the beads. The ability to classify and communicate a color easily allows for a greater understanding of the bead.
Munsell Book of Color, Glossy Edition M40115B
Munsell Book of Color, Glossy Edition M40115BMunsell Book of Color, Glossy Edition M40115B
Munsell Book of Color, Glossy Edition M40115BThe Glossy Collection is the “master atlas” of Munsell Color.
The Glossy book of color includes a complete range of colors creating a physical model of the Munsell Color Space. The book includes a brief tutorial on how the Munsell Color System works; with easy to follow graphics for understanding where the Munsell color space the color is located.
The Glossy Collection is the “master atlas” of Munsell Color. It contains over 1,600 removable high-gloss color samples on 40 constant-hue pages.
Binder Specifications: Single 3.5″ ring binder: 13.75″ (L) x 4″ (W) x 11.75″ (T).
Munsell Book of Color, Matte Edition M40291B
Munsell Book of Color, Matte Edition M40291BMunsell Book of Color, Matte Edition M40291B
Munsell Book of Color, Matte Edition M40291BMunsell Book of Color, Matte Edition M40291B
The Munsell Book of Color, Matte Edition includes a complete range of colors creating a physical model of the Munsell Color Space. The book includes a brief tutorial on how the Munsell Color System works, with easy to follow graphics for understanding where the Munsell color space the color is located.
The Matte Collection contains over 1,600 removable color samples on 40 constant-hue pages.
Binder Specifications: Single 3.5″ ring binder: 13.75″ (L) x 4″ (W) x 11.75″ (T).
Munsell Nearly Neutrals Book of Color M40328B
Munsell Nearly Neutrals Book of Color M40328BMunsell Nearly Neutrals Book of Color M40328B
Munsell Nearly Neutrals Book of Color M40328BMunsell Nearly Neutrals Book of Color
The Munsell Books of Color are color reference guides used for color selection and communication. Available in a variety of finishes, these color collections serve a wide range of applications including art and design, package/product design, color specification and color quality control.
The Nearly Neutrals Collection features over 1,100 pastel colours and is ideal for projects that require neutral, subtle colours.Contains 1,100 colour chips adhered and mounted on 21 constant hue pages (5 & 10 positions of the 10 Munsell hues).
The value range is 6/ to 9/ in half steps. The chroma range is /0 to /4 in half steps.
The nearly whites page features a value of 9.25/ for 20 hues with a chroma range of 0.5/ to /2.5 depending upon the hue.
Chart size: 28 x 21,5 cm
Chip size: 2,5 x 1,5 cm
Ring Binder, Size: 29 cm x 26,5 cm
Gloss Level < 5 GU (60 degrees)
Munsell Plant Tissue Color Charts M50150
Munsell Plant Tissue Color Charts M50150Munsell Plant Tissue Color Charts M50150
Munsell Plant Tissue Color Charts M50150Munsell Plant Tissue Color Charts M50150
Munsell plant tissue colour charts provides botanists and scientists with useful and a complete set of colour chart references to help them recognise and classify plants on the basis of their tissue colours. It is a valuable tool that can help identify the plant and the plant tissue colour contains all necessary information regarding properties of plants.
The published material has 17 detailed colour charts that contain 320 colour chips which document and help determine the colour of plant tissues,
The colour chips displayed are in matte finish and are mounted on 17 different hues- 2.5R, 5R, 10R, 2.5YR, 5YR, 7.5YR, 2.5Y, 5Y, 2.5GY, 5GY, 7.5GY, 2.5G, 5G, 7.5G, 5BG, 2.5B and 5RP. It is specifically designed for scientists, botanists and research professionals working on plant diseases, plant growth rates, and deficiencies in the nutrients for plants
Munsell Rock Color Chart M50315B
Munsell Rock Color Chart M50315BMunsell Rock Color Chart M50315B
The Munsell Rock Color Chart helps geologists and archeologists communicate with color more effectively by cross-referencing ISCC-NBS color names with unique Munsell alpha-numeric color notations for rock color samples.
Munsell Soil Color Charts
Munsell Soil Color ChartsThe soil classification system that has been developed around the Munsell color system is an established and accepted process to assign a soil type. This classification system has been used in the United States for more than 55 years to aid in the management and stewardship of natural resources. Through the use of the Munsell Soil Color Charts, practitioners from a wide range of professions can share reliable and consistent information about the color of soils at a particular site with colleagues anywhere around the world. The Munsell Soil Color Charts are used by a variety of industries and professions such as universities and high schools, forestry, forensics, environmental and soil science, building and contracting, landscaping, real estate, health departments, geology and archaeology.
The following pages are included in the Munsell Soil Color Charts:
- Munsell 10R Soil Chart
- Munsell 10YR Soil Chart
- Munsell 2.5Y Soil Chart
- Munsell 2.5YR Soil Chart
- Munsell 5Y Soil Chart
- Munsell 5YR Soil Chart
- Munsell 7.5YR Soil
- 10Y – 5GY Colors – Olive greens Soil Chart
- Gley 1 & 2 (2 – Separate Charts) Soil Charts
- Munsell 5R Individual Soil Chart
- Munsell 7.5R Individual Soil Chart
- “New” White Page, 7.5R, 10YR, & 2.5Y