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Infrasound Monitor / Detector

Infrasound Monitor

The Infiltec Model INFRA20 infrasound monitor is designed to record, display and analyze infrasound below the human hearing range in the 0.05 Hz to 20 Hz range. Infrasound is produced by wind turbines, helicopters, meteors, avalanches, volcanoes, large animals like elephants, etc. The INFRA20 is designed to provide infrasound monitoring for lab, home, school and field use in a compact, portable, and rugged package that is less expensive and easier to use than conventional designs. The INFRA20 does not require any power supply or assembly or enclosure or adjustment; including alignment, damping, zeroing, etc. The INFRA20 works with the standard AmaSeis Windows based software, and with the new AmaSeis software for Windows, Linux and Mac OS.

  • For laboratory, field, school, office, or home use to record and analyze infrasound. This infrasound monitor comes with a 15 ft (4m) serial cable, 15 ft (4m) of 1/8 inch ID plastic tubing, a USB-Serial adapter, and a CD containing Windows software and software manual.
  • Detects infrasound in the 0.05 Hz to 20 Hz band that is generally inaudible to the human ear. Applications include monitoring wind turbines, machinery noise, building noise, elephants and other large animals, meteors, avalanches, volcanoes, earthquakes, crypto zoology studies of big foot and sasquatch, and paranormal investigations.
  • Requires an attached PC to log and display infrasound data, but other programs can run on PC while the infrasound data logging program is running. Works with Windows XP and above. The seismic data logging and analysis program AmaSeis is supplied on CD. Also runs with the new Amaseis seismic software that runs on Windows, Linux and MAC OS.
  • The INFRA20 is not very sensitive to vibration or orientation, but it is very sensitive to temperature changes or altitude changes. Serial extension cables up to 100 ft can be used to connect it to the data logging PC.
  • The infrasound sensor is a differential pressure sensor with 1/8 inch ID tubing connection that is located on the side of the box that allows for tubing to be used to separate the monitor from the infrasound sensing location. The monitor is self adjusting, and never needs alignment, zeroing, leveling, or any other adjustments. No external power supply required. Setup takes minutes. Resolution is 0.001 Pascal (0.01 microbar). Range is ±25 Pascals. Sampling rate is 50 sps. Serial output data format is 9600bps, 8N1, 16 bit ASCII.


  • Wind turbine monitoring.
  • Animal monitoring, including elephants, hippos, rhinos, giraffes, tigers, alligators, certain birds, etc.
  • Earthquake and tsunami monitoring.
  • Bolide or detonating fireball meteor monitoring.
  • Volcano monitoring.
  • Avalanche monitoring.
  • Thunder, lightning and severe weather monitoring.
  • Sonic boom monitoring.
  • Explosion monitoring.
  • Aurora monitoring.
  • Alleged haunted site or ghost monitoring.
  • Rotating equipment monitoring.
  • Sick building analysis.
  • Environmental assessments.
  • Microbarom monitoring.
  • Helicopter monitoring.
  • Tornado monitoring.


  • 10 second hardware setup! Take it out of the shipping box, plug it into your PC, and recording starts. (This assumes that AmaSeis software is installed and running)
  • Works with free AmaSeis seismic Windows software that provides data logging, 24 hour display, spectral analysis, bandpass filtering, etc.
  • No assembly ever required.
  • No damping adjustments ever required.
  • No external power supply ever required.
  • No leveling adjustments ever required.
  • No alignment ever required.
  • No adjustments for moving ever required, just pick it up and move it.
  • No adjustment of internal electronics (amplifier, filter, digitizer, power supply) ever required.
  • Practically indestructible to damage caused by shock, vibration, shipping & handling.
  • One enclosure contains everything: sensor, amplifier, filter, digitizer, power supply.
  • Metal enclosure shields electronics against noise from nearby electromagnetic interference.
  • High digital resolution (16 bits) keeps large and small infrasound events on scale.
  • Elliptic low-pass filter cutoff (8 pole) allows slow sampling output (50 sps) without aliasing.
  • Microprocessor firmware adjusts for component drift due to temperature changes, aging, etc.
  • Very low power (under 0.05 Watts) operation. Designed to operate continuously 24/7.
  • Connects to PC DB9 serial port, or a USB port through a USB-Serial DB9 adapter.
  • Works on Windows 98/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1 PC via AmaSeis logging data 24/7 in background. You can use your PC for other jobs while AmaSeis is running.

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  • Performance: Resolution is 0.001 Pascals (0.01 microbar or 0.0075 millitorr) over the range of + or – 25 Pascals (250 microbars or 187.5 millitorr).
  • Mode of Operation: Microbarograph design with solid-state differential pressure sensor and high-pass pneumatic filter.
  • Output: Serial output formatted for AmaSeis seismic software, RS232 9600 baud N81 ASCII, 50 samples/second.
  • Frequency Pass-Band: 0.05 Hz to 20.0 Hz bandwidth digitized and stored on hard drive by AmaSeis at about 10 megabytes per 24 hours of operation.
  • Temperature Range 40 to 90 F (4 to 32 C) with no adjustments required. Internal firware automatically adjusts for drifts. Requires constant temperature during operation that can be provided by insulation such as a small lunchbox type cooler.
  • Housing: Diecast aluminum box encloses all electronics and sensor, 6.024×3.268×1.988 inches (153x83x50.5 mm). Shipping weight 2.2 lb (1 kg).
  • Computer Connection: 15 ft (4.5M) serial cable (up to 100 ft (30M) extension optional) connects to PC DB9 connector or USB-Serial DB9 adapter.
  • Adjustments: No leveling, alignment, damping, gain, zeroing, etc adjustments required.
  • Power Supply: No external power supply required, all power (under 0.05 Watts) is supplied by PC serial port through the serial cable connected to the PC.
  • Digital Processing: 16 bits voltage resolution from internal digitizer, 50 sample/second ASCII output, firmware adjusts for component drifts.
  • Lowpass Filter: Very steep analog 8 Pole elliptic filter with 20 Hz corner frequency for anti-aliasing.
  • Software: Windows PC based seismic data logging and analysis software AmaSeis or jAmaSeis  available online for free download. Includes spectral analysis and bandpass filtering functions.
  • Computer Requirements: PC running Windows (98/XP/V/7/8/8.1) can run AmaSeis in backgound while doing other tasks. Hard drive that can store 10 megabyte/day during 24/7 operation. DB9 serial port or USB-Serial adapter.


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