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Product Details

Low Profile C-cell collar

Low Profile C-cell collar

NSG-LC1 Component Weights

Housing and Hardware (with battery) 575 grams (Standard GPS antenna)
405 grams (Micro GPS antenna)
Peripherals VHF 30-55 grams (smaller available)
Drop-off Mechanism 78-114 grams
Collar Average Weight Range 575 grams (24” Collar) to 855 grams (36” collar, no peripherals)
C-Cell Battery (alone) 60 grams
C-Cell Enclosure plus Board (alone) 245 grams
Note: Includes GPS Receiver and Globalstar Transmitter

Antenna Weights (with Rexolite Cover)

Transmit Antenna 60 grams
MMIII GPS Antenna 110 grams
Standard GPS Antenna 70 grams
Micro Mouse GPS Antenna 40 grams

Battery Life Expectancy

Drop-off Battery Life 3 years
VHF Battery Life 3+ years
Collect/Transmit 8 GPS loc. p/day 8–9 months
Collect/Transmit 6 GPS loc. p/day 12–14 months
Collect/Transmit 4 GPS loc. p/day 15–17 months
Collect/Transmit 3 GPS loc. p/day 20–22 months
Note: Environmental conditions, such as wide variations in ambient temperatures, will reduce actual battery lives, particularly over extended deployments.

General Data

Output Power 150 mW
Transmit Signal Length 1.5 Seconds
Temp Range –40 to +50 Degrees Celsius
Frequency 1611.25 to 1618.75MHz
Modulation BPSK-modulated PRN Code
GPS Engine μBlox 16 Channel
GPS Accuracy +/— 10m horz, +/— 25 vert
GPS Antenna Active
GPS Datum WGS84
VHF Power Output (VHF Mortality Available) 1—2mW, 30—45ppm
Specified accuracy is 2.5 meters CEP and 5 meters SEP. CEP is Circular Error Probability. It is the radius of a horizontal circle, centered at the true antenna position, containing 50% of the fixes. SEP is Spherical Error Probability. It is the radius of a sphere, centered at the true antenna position, containing 50% of the fixes.
NOTE: We are turning off our GPS engine after 5 positions in a row (1 per second) are acquired with a horizontal accuracy of 5 meters or less.

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Tracking Wildlife

Wildlife Tracking Collars

North Star has developed a line of wildlife tracking collars that provide GPS locations from the field to the www in real time via the Globalstar satellite system. In fact, we were the first in the industry to provide a real-time satellite collar. Expanding on that success, we now provide Iridium and GSM collars, enabling 2-way operation and real time data. We also offer a full line of GPS logging collars with integrated VHF transmitter beacons to aid in recovery.


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