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Munsell Plant Tissue Color Charts M50150

Munsell Plant Tissue Color Charts M50150

Munsell plant tissue colour charts provides botanists and scientists with useful and a complete set of colour chart references to help them recognise and classify plants on the basis of their tissue colours. It is a valuable tool that can help identify the plant and the plant tissue colour contains all necessary information regarding properties of plants.

The published material has 17 detailed colour charts that contain 320 colour chips which document and help determine the colour of plant tissues,

The colour chips displayed are in matte finish and are mounted on 17 different hues-  2.5R, 5R, 10R, 2.5YR, 5YR, 7.5YR, 2.5Y, 5Y, 2.5GY, 5GY, 7.5GY, 2.5G, 5G, 7.5G, 5BG, 2.5B and 5RP. It is specifically designed for scientists, botanists and research professionals working on plant diseases, plant growth rates, and deficiencies in the nutrients for plants


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Munsell Plant Tissue Color Charts M50150

Botany is the science or study of plants. It is a very important field of science as the research, experiments and analysis play a major role in preservation of several species of plants and environmental conservation as well. Botanists have spent years dissecting and recording information on plants and determining which ones are the life-saving herbs and which are poisonous, which plants are flowering while which plants are perishing. They have identified the features of plants that help us recognise and categorise them efficiently. One of the determining factors of plant identification is the plant tissue colour. Munsell plant tissue colour charts have an extensive shade card to help botanists identify and categorise plants based on their tissue colours.

Every botanist or scientist analyse and record their findings after painstaking experiments and tests on plants and plant tissues,

Post research many findings can be collated and used to make future experiments easier. New hypothesis can be proved using old research without having to waste precious time and resources to do it all over again,

Plant tissue colour is an indicator of the origin of the plant, the light and weather conditions it has been exposed to, the soil conditions it has been bred in and even if it has been subjected to any toxic or chemical substance during its growth,

One can identify the reason for deterioration of a plant based on plant colour tissue thus helping treat plant diseases,

Munsell plant tissue colour charts provides botanists and scientists with useful and a complete set of colour chart references to help them recognise and classify plants on the basis of their tissue colours. It is a valuable tool that can help identify the plant and the plant tissue colour contains all necessary information regarding properties of plants.

The published material has 17 detailed colour charts that contain 320 colour chips which document and help determine the colour of plant tissues,

The colour chips displayed are in matte finish and are mounted on 17 different hues-  2.5R, 5R, 10R, 2.5YR, 5YR, 7.5YR, 2.5Y, 5Y, 2.5GY, 5GY, 7.5GY, 2.5G, 5G, 7.5G, 5BG, 2.5B and 5RP. It is specifically designed for scientists, botanists and research professionals working on plant diseases, plant growth rates, and deficiencies in the nutrients for plants,

The Munsell colour chart published in the book can reduce the initial legwork of the analysis and a botanist can jump right into the main research. With the colour of the plant tissue one can determine the age of the plant as well as the types and what soil conditions it has been grown in. A miniscule change in plant pigment can be caused by climate changes and CO2 levels and with this colour chart one can observe the changes and be well informed of the environmental changes in the surroundings,

Munsell plant tissue colour charts prove to be extremely useful in the field of plant studies and preservation. It is a must-have accompaniment for botanists and scientists but is also equally useful for students of the field, plant growers and enthusiasts. Botanists use the information of plant tissue colour in their research on plant propagation and could also genetically modify some plants for their preservation. here are scientists doing specific research on plant diseases and how the harsh climatic conditions lead to their deterioration and plant tissue colour can help pinpoint the causal factors,

Students can use this book with all its widespread information and colour charts for their research papers and studies. It can be a priceless device to understand and study the properties of plants,

Plant growers can use these Munsell colour charts to recognise the plants and do additional research as to which plant thrives in their garden and how to aid the growth of their plants.


Researches and scientists find the colour gradation information very useful and convenient as their initial work becomes easy in any of their extensive research on plants,

Botanists can use this colour chart to identify the various factors like climatic changes, toxic materials in soil etc. that are afflicting plants and their growth and focus on addressing the problems identified

Students find the information very useful to their studies and research and it is a valuable mechanism to understand plant structure and features & Plant growers can understand the technical factors that affect plant growth and make changes in their methodology of growing plants in their gardens.


The Munsell Tissue book comes in a hard cover

There are 3 masks measuring 19 x 13.5 cm and are bound in a loose leaf metal binder,

There are 17 colour charts with 320 colours and each colour chip measures 17 x 12 mm,

The text is in English,

The book weighs 2.504 kg,

It measures 13.505 cm in height, 19.005 cm in width and 3.004 cm in depth.


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