Product Details
Saker M
Saker M
For tracking birds from medium size during breeding season & migration, i.e.: falcons, big waders, gulls, etc.
Housing: backpack, aerodynamic, rounded edges, strong & waterproof;
Data upload from memory when GSM network is accessible;
GPS intervals: user programmable, from 30 minutes to 24 hours;
GPS controlled by operating-hours schedule and light sensor;
Data recorded: GPS position, activity and temperature;
Optional data: speed, altitude, 3-axis acceleration and light intensity;
Highly efficient solar charger;
Long-life battery;
Data access and settings: Web profile;
Optional: VHF beacon, diving sensor & pressure-proof design.
Worldwide GSM range, programming and data access from the Web profile.
- Housing: backpack, aerodynamic, rounded edges, strong & waterproof;
- Data upload from memory when GSM network is accessible;
- GPS intervals: user programmable, from 30 minutes to 24 hours;
- GPS controlled by operating-hours schedule and light sensor;
- Data recorded: GPS position, activity and temperature;
- Optional data: speed, altitude, 3-axis acceleration and light intensity;
- Highly efficient solar charger;
- Long-life battery;
- Data access and settings: Web profile;
- Optional: VHF beacon, diving sensor & pressure-proof design.
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