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The Nano
The Nano is one of the world’s smallest GPS tags for birds.  It has a built-in GPS module, sensors (including accelerometer), and a wireless communication module via long-range Bluetooth.

Specifications (view Short Rangeview Long Range)

Remote programming and data access via UHF link – no need to recapture animals. Often used for tracking animals during the breeding season that regularly return to their nests, burrows, etc.

Remote automatic data download

Memory for 130,000 GPS fixes

Rechargeable batteries

Programming and data download from user-friendly interface

Power-saving mode: GPS can be switched off within base station range

UHF digital telemetry on board

Solar charger and diving duration logger in some models

Fully programmable: intervals 1-240 minutes, delayed start, accuracy, UHF communication intervals, GPS duty hours


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Short Range

Automatic data download in maximal range to 800 km; backpack; diving sensor and logger; often used for tracking diving birds, reptiles, or big bats. NOTE: for Pica and Sterna (with solar chargers), use is for long-term tracking, i.e. small gulls, cuckoos, jackdaws, or falcons.

Name Specifications
Alle 60 Dimensions: 26x16x10 mm; weight: from 4.5 grams; waterproof; battery life: ~500 GPS positions (no solar charger)
Alle 100 Dimensions: 32x16x10 mm; weight: from 5.9 grams; waterproof; battery life: ~1000 GPS positions (no solar charger)
Uria 60 Dimensions:26x16x11 mm; weight: from 6 grams;  waterproof >200m depth; battery life: ~500 GPS positions (no solar charger)
Uria 100 Dimensions: 35x16x11 mm; weight: from 8.5 grams; waterproof > 200m depth; battery life: ~ 1000 GPS positions (no solar charger)
Uria 300 Dimensions: 36x22x12.5 mm; weight: from 13.5 grams; waterproof > 200m depth; battery life: ~ 3000 GPS positions (no solar charger)
 Pica  Dimensions: 36x17x12 mm; weight: 5.6 grams; waterproof

(with solar charger)

 Sterna  Dimensions: 36x17x13 mm; weight: 7.4 grams; solar-charger width 24 mm (with solar charger)

Long Range

(Backpack series) Automatic data download in maximal range to 6 km, backpack, solar charger, 5-10 minute intervals are possible during sunny weather, for tracking birds from ~400 grams body mass during breeding season and migration (i.e. falcons, big waders, gulls, etc.).

Name Specifications
 Harier L Dimensions: 58x27x15 mm; weight: from 13 grams
 Harier M Dimensions: 58x27x24 mm; weight: from 15 grams
 Harier H Dimensions: 58x27x28 mm; weight: from 16 grams
Harier H LF Dimensions: 79x36x36 mm; weight: from 20 grams
Ibis (necklace) Dimensions: 35-55 mm; weight: from ~23 grams

For tracking geese, ibises, and swans. Fast and easy closing system without screws or tools




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